I designed a contemporary urban residence to explore and redefine adaptive living between people and their domestic environments to examine how these are shaped by personal behavior and habits, needs for privacy, cultural norms, and physical constraints. The Dwelling accommodates an inter-generational family in an urban setting and considers the family’s evolving needs and changes to patterns of living over time. Not only do our environments adapt, we also adapt to our environments through conscious acts and unconscious responses. My family consists of Adam and Thierry who are partners in life and business. They have one daughter Matilda who has down syndrome. Adam and Thierry keep very fit, they need workout space potentially for Mathilda too. My design proposal addresses accessibility of design, from objects to environments, accommodating different age groups and various levels of agility. For this project I assigned a certain color to each room so my family comes to remember the room by color. Not only is this fun, but color plays an important role in terms of memory, as color being a tool for memory and program.

Memory Through Color

Project Type: Residential

Obstacle Room for Active Family

Materials for Third Floor Dwelling

Materials for Second Floor Dwelling

Dining and Kitchen Rendered Perspective

Memory by Color Program/Plan with Schedule

Rendered Perspective of Living Room

Rendered Perspective of Transition Hallway on Third Floor


Punctuated Rhythm


Inside Out