Punctuated Rhythm

Punctuated Rhythm, addresses the Forsyth Satellite Academy Library’s issues with existing storage, curation, materials (color), organization, and split program, which in turn reignites student’s confidence relating to literature and provides a sense of community. Working with the students during the creative workshops at Forsyth, I found that they want a safe space, a more colorful library, a relaxing environment, and lastly, a place to chill with friends. The existing library is divided into three separate zones by the rectangular spaces created by two bays. My design seeks to create a new relationship among the uses/ spaces in the library expressed by a new punctuated rhythmic design approach provided by the color coded bands. Students punctuate the space by changing the flexible elements in my design such as, the storage of the bands into a screen for projectors, the lounge seating configuration, digital projection of student’s work, tables that come off the walls, the quotes on each of the curtains created by the FSA students each year, and any personalizable boards. The bands accommodate storage as well as allow for a curated selection of books to motivate students and features literature that can relate to the students current interests, similar to that of a museum’s exhibition curation. Punctuated Rhythm enables access to what is not shown, an act of discovery as well as showing the book’s relevance to the students. Not just curated books are available, but there are ebooks provided and stored in the library on the south facing wall for any interested student.

Project Type: Institutional


Design Process, Concept/ Iterations:

Rendered Perspective View: Flick, Reading, Hanging Zone

Student Workshop Images

Flexible Enclosure Band Diagram

Material Diagram

Concept Collage

Rendered Perspective View from North Entrance

Rendered Perspective View from Nonfiction Zone

Vertical Exploration, Cut, Fold, Reveal


Memory Through Color