The Culture House provides an ambition to create a social project that builds bridges between people and different food cultures. The space is used by different organizations, schools, companies, etc. It encompasses a huge level of flexibility and accessibility. People meet, build, and shape their local community together here. This culture house is located in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is a space for locals in the community, it is used as a kitchen, office, communal dining, and market place. I created a series of interconnected spaces that has programmatic systems similar to that of the mechanical breakdown of the body. Looking at food and the body on a cellular level, I explored how to mimic this process in my program and plan. The body breaks down food molecules by reducing them into their most basic forms, simplification. By looking at this process with a microscopic lens, I drew inspiration from the curves of these cells by mimicking the naturally curvilinear organic forms. This space connects the inside to the outside in terms of the human body, site, food, and building. In terms of materiality I play with transparencies, which connects the viewer to this dynamic of the inside out.

Inside Out

Project Type: Community

Inside Out Conceptual Collage

Rendered Perspective of Second Floor Communal Office

Perspective of Proposed Design with Site

Orthographic Plan Drawings

Concept Collage

Rendered Perspective of Dining Space

Rendered Perspective of Communal Kitchen Dining Space

Exploded Material Axon

Initial Concept Sketch


Memory Through Color


Custom Table